Tuesday, September 20, 2005


Introducing Margaret Marceau Springer.
Born September 8, 2005 at 5:39 p.m. 6 lbs. 2 0z., 19.5 in. Posted by Picasa


Introducing Audrey Adelaide Springer.
Born on September 8, 2005 at 5:40 p.m. 5 lbs. 0 oz., 18 in. Posted by Picasa

Thursday, September 15, 2005

They're heeeeeerrrrreeee!!!!

I've finally got a couple of minutes to write more than a couple of lines...I've literally started this birth story at least five times in the past four weeks and haven't been able to finish it until now...

As a lot of you know, my c-section was scheduled for September 14, our four year anniversary, because Audrey was still transverse. I was still on strict bedrest and taking Procardia XL for the PTL, and had my last OB appointment on September 8. My mom drove me and on our way to the office, I warned my mother that if my OB makes me go to the hospital for more "monitoring", I would demand that the girls be delivered that day!! Little did I know...

At the appointment, my blood pressure was checked twice and both times, it was dangerously high. Also, my legs and feet were extremely swollen beyond recognition and my urine revealed that I had protein in it. All of that combined with the fact that I had made it to 36 weeks (I was 36 weeks 3 days) convinced my OB to deliver the girls that day. When she told me that I had finally developed pre-eclampsia and that I should go home and get ready, I was shocked. We had been expecting this for six weeks because of the PTL, but when it actually became real, I was freaked out!!!

Jim met me at the condo and we packed up and drove to the hospital. We arrived at 2:30 p.m. and got prepped and strapped to the monitors. I began contracting more often, about every 2-3 minutes, and it began to get more painful! My OB hadn't arrived yet and I wondered if we'd even make it to the operating room!!

My parents and mother-in-law came into Triage at around 4:30 p.m. to let us know they had arrived...I think my dad was more nervous than any of us! I was just anxious to get it over with...I was terrified of the surgery and though I knew what to expect, I still just wanted to get in there and get it done.

Finally, the nurse anesthetist arrived and told me the anesthesiologist was on his way and that things would start happening quickly. Meanwhile, my OB arrived and visited with me and eased my fears a little. Jim was whisked away to put on his little operating room uniform and I didn't see him until I was strapped down and numb.

The operating room was so bright and cold and busy. There were people everywhere, but my nurse (Donna!) and OB were wonderful, rubbing my hands and legs while I received the spinal and telling me everything would be wonderful. Finally, Jim was allowed back in and things got under way really quickly.

I didn't feel a thing, not even the pushing and pulling that I had been warned about. I was surprisingly calm, but still anxious to see my girls. All of a sudden, my nurse anesthetist shouted to an NA that there wasn't a mirror in the room. They called other operating rooms looking for one, but my OB announced that it is too late, that Baby A was coming. Sure enough, seconds later, I heard a strong squeal and at 5:39 p.m. Margaret Marceau was born.
Immediately I began to cry and ask Jim over and over if he could see her. He couldn't because she was taken immediately by the pediatricians. At 5:40 p.m., another hearty cry errupted and Audrey Adelaide arrived into the world (hand first!). I heard a few chuckles and my doctor announce that Audrey had just peed all over her.

We were unable to see them for what seemed like forever, and I kept asking Jim if everything was okay. I heard them crying, but we hadn't seen them yet. Maggie's team announced that she was 6 lbs. 2 oz. and 19.5 in. and that her APGAR score was 9. Then Audrey's team announced that she was 5 lbs. 0 oz. and 18 inches and her APGAR score was also 9. A nurse giggled and said Audrey was peeing again! I was so relieved to know that they were okay, but still we were unable to see them! I was starting to get very nauseus and headachy from the spinal and became a little disoriented and distracted, but soon enough, the girls were brought to Jim and he was able to hold them up to me and let me see and kiss them. They were gorgeous. More beautiful than I could have ever imagined! And they looked NOTHING alike! Later, after comparing baby pictures, we determined that Maggie, though named after my side of the family, looks just like her daddy and Audrey, named after his side of the family, looks just like me.

After the c-section, I was sent to Labor & Delivery because of my pre-eclampsia. I was put on Magnesium Sulfate (for the fourth time in six weeks!) for 24 hours to prevent seizures associated with pre-eclampsia and I didn't really see my girls too much in that period of time. I was in and out of conciousness because of the Mag and the pain medication and they were being monitored.

The next evening, we were admitted to Postpartum and the girls were able to spend most of their time with us. They were only taken away for vital checks. I was still in quite a bit of pain, but Jim is a natural and took such good care of them while I was recovering in the hospital. We were discharged on September 12th and are adjusting wonderfully at home.

Maggie and Audrey are amazing. They are growing bigger and bigger right before my eyes. You wouldn't know that they were a month premature. They eat and sleep and that's about it! Maggie is a little more easy going than Audrey, and I wonder if that's because Audrey is smaller. She just needs to be cuddled more, it seems, than Maggie does. But they are both so precious and just the best little girls I know. The furbabies are in love, as are anyone that meet them. They are sleeping in four hour increments and I'm waking them up at the same time so that they are on the same schedule. Once in awhile it doesn't work out, but for the most part, these girls are so good.

Thank you to everyone who wished us well as we struggled through preterm labor and the hospital bedrest. I was so frustrated for so long with the strict bedrest and hospital stay but I can see now that it was all worth while to have two beautiful and healthy baby girls!

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

It's a date!

September 14, 2005 at 8:00 a.m.

This will be our 4 year wedding anniversary!!

Of course, I still have 7 days between now and then...who knows, the girls may have other plans. But if the past several weeks are any indication, Maggie and Audrey should be here next Wednesday!

Thank you all for your support and good wishes! It's been a long few weeks but the end is near!


For better or for worse, the Virgo baby is plenty fussy! How else do you expect these kids to grow up to be perfectionists? Get used to it: The Virgo baby can be quite particular and needs to have a routine. At least having a routine isn't all bad, but don't even think of changing it! This baby will not respond well to lots of change. The Virgo baby can also be picky about food, so keep it simple at mealtimes. Aside from these peculiarities, this tot doesn't require a lot. A clean bedroom and simple clothing are sure to keep this baby dry-eyed. The Virgo baby is quite good at amusing itself for hours with the most basic of games, feeling very little need for the attention of others. The Virgo child also wants to talk early on, probably earlier than most of the other babies around. There's a lot going on in that mind wanting to come out! From an early age, this baby can also be seen as mother's little helper, as the need to serve others is a strong Virgo trait. They also won't make a fuss over their accomplishments, since by nature these kids are a bit shy. To sum up, the Virgo baby is fine on their own but also happy to help others, loves cleanliness, and can easily keep themselves amused. All this adds up to a pretty good (albeit picky!) kid.

36 Weeks

How your baby's growing: Your baby is still putting on the pounds — about an ounce a day. She now weighs almost 6 pounds and is a little less than 19 inches long. She's shedding most of the downy covering of hair that covered her body as well as the vernix caseosa, the creamy substance that covered and protected her skin during its submersion in amniotic fluid. Your baby swallows both of these substances, along with other secretions, which will stay in her bowels until birth. This blackish mixture, called meconium, will become her first bowel movement.At the end of this week, your baby will be considered full-term. (Babies between 37 and 42 weeks are considered full-term; a baby born before 37 weeks is pre-term and after 42 is post-term.) Most likely she's in a head-down position by now, which is optimal for a smooth delivery, but if she isn't in the next week, your provider may suggest scheduling an "external cephalic version," which is a fancy way of saying she'll try to coax your baby into a head-down position manually, by manipulating her from the outside of your belly.

Sunday, September 04, 2005

The Girl Who Cried Wolf

The thing is, every time I was sent to the hospital by my doctors, I was sure that THIS time would be IT.

On July 25, when it was discovered that I had dilated and was having frequent contractions, I would have bet my last dollar.

On August 16, when the nurse administering the non-stress test told me that she would have to page my doctors and have me admitted, I called in the soldiers, stating that this time, it's got to happen.

And on Friday, Sept. 2, only three days away from being 36 weeks, having not slept for the last week, and feeling as if I was nearing the end of my rope, I just knew that Friday would be a birthday. In fact, when Dr. W. said that she was sending me to the hospital because of the indications of pre-eclampsia (my horribly swollen legs and feet, my raised blood pressure, and the presence of protein in my urine), I made the calls, again, and told my friends and family that I was making what I thought was going to be my third and final trip to the hospital.

When I arrived, sister and nephew in tow, I checked into the now familiar Family Birthing Center and prepared for what I knew was to come: bloodwork, monitoring, blood pressure and urine check, cervical exam, IV for potential dehydration and numerous visits by the residents, all of whom weren't completely familiar with my records. We were there for eight hours. In those eight hours, my contractions increased in intensity and frequency (every 2 minutes) but everything else returned to normal and my cervix remained unchanged.

When J. left his office, co-workers were slapping his back and shaking his hand, congratulating him on the impending births of his children. They were sure, like the rest of us, that the third time would be the charm. When he arrived at Triage, his frustration of seeing me in pain, the lack of progress, and the ignorance of the residents overflowed and he lashed out at the current resident. She was about to admit me to Antepartum for the third time for "theraputic rest" and he could see the desperation in my eyes at the thought of another day in the hospital. I begged her that since she, nor the doctor on call (a physician from another practice that was covering for mine over the weekend), were planning on delivering the babies tonight, to let me go home. She reluctantly agreed and I was discharged at 9:00 p.m.

Earlier that day, Dr. W. told me that if I haven't gone into labor naturally, that a cesarean section would be scheduled close to 37 weeks - September 12, 2005. So, on Tuesday, I'm calling the office, scheduling the surgery, and if by chance I happen to have to return to the hospital before then, I will not call, text, page or tell anyone what's going on. Maybe, just maybe, I'll have these girls soon.