28 Weeks: Your baby's eye lashes are developing, as subcutaneous fat is deposited. If you have a baby boy, his testes will probably begin descending. Your baby is about 13.8 inches long and weighs about 2 pounds 4 ounces!
A baby born at this time has a good chance of survival with the help of medical technology.
Twin tip: Many practitioners ask that you stop working and get at least 6 hours of rest a day, even if you don't have a high stress or physically demanding job.
29 Weeks: Your baby is busy getting ready for the birthday! The baby is beginning to regulate his own temperature and the bone marrow is completely in charge of production of the red blood cells. The baby is even urinating about a half liter of urine into the amniotic fluid everyday!
The movements that you feel will probably begin to change at this point. You once were the home of wild gymnastic parties, now as the space becomes cramped you will notice smaller movements, such as elbows and knees. Try monitoring the baby yourself, using fetal kick counts.
Your baby weighs in at about two pounds nine ounces (1.16 kilograms)!
Twin tip: If you're finding yourself out of breath or having trouble breathing while you sleep, try propping yourself up on some pillows to help alleviate one other sleep stealer. Also mention this problem to your practitioner to ensure it's not another problem unrelated to pregnancy like allergies or asthma.
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